Selasa, 26 April 2011

ADIDAS romantic romance ad Marketing – sports and leisure sector – Machined Parts Supplier

Ad free is a wolf in the world, not too many rules, the present system may be as much waste disposed of tomorrow, you can learn so hard for some of the ad theory, can learn, but not blind, can not deny their own ideas and this is where innovation. to pay Adidas 2008 Olympic Games as a TOP, by more than 40 million dollars in the price and then enjoy ADIDAS and no waste of resources, the public, with its own against rivals. For some time, has to play this on TV ADIDAS ads. Commercials NBA stars KG is KEVINGARRNET, Minnesota Timberwolves 21 Kevin? Garnett. In this short 30-second commercials, KG played five roles, and thus the advertising divided into five short paragraphs is? Assembly approach. In the first clip, as a war commander KD, the artillery stressed on the battlefield, the peace flutters, the “Leadership Team” concept, the second clip, KG suddenly become a black knight, relief to the civilian population, the concept of “Stand Up”; third segment is the Colosseum in ancient Greece to the gladiator fights, emergence, “the end” of the faith, the fourth segment KG suits and ties stressed with ease of speech quite a gentleman, the concept of “active atmosphere” quality; Last KG picked up a basketball, has become a true self, “This is KG. ADIDAS, until finally clear up doubt.